Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y883) Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure 2345
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y883) Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure 2134
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y881) Sequelae of misadventures to patients during surgical and medical procedures 970
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y899) Sequelae of unspecified external cause 807
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y88) Sequelae with surgical and medical care as external cause 694
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y881) Sequelae of misadventures to patients during surgical and medical procedures 652
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y899) Sequelae of unspecified external cause 506
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y88) Sequelae with surgical and medical care as external cause 273
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y86) Sequelae of other accidents 222
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y880) Sequelae of adverse effects caused by drugs, medicaments and biological substances in therapeutic use 127
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y89) Sequelae of other external causes 119
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(Y86) Sequelae of other accidents 115
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y891) Sequelae of war operations 111
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y86) Sequelae of other accidents 110
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y880) Sequelae of adverse effects caused by drugs, medicaments and biological substances in therapeutic use 90
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y871) Sequelae of assault 67
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y850) Sequelae of motor-vehicle accident 50
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y850) Sequelae of motor-vehicle accident 33
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y871) Sequelae of assault 33
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y882) Sequelae of adverse incidents associated with medical devices in diagnostic and therapeutic use 33
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y89) Sequelae of other external causes 32
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y882) Sequelae of adverse incidents associated with medical devices in diagnostic and therapeutic use 30
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y870) Sequelae of intentional self-harm 27
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y859) Sequelae of other and unspecified transport accidents 20
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(Y850) Sequelae of motor-vehicle accident 19
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y870) Sequelae of intentional self-harm 18
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(Y883) Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure 16
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y883) Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 16
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y880) Sequelae of adverse effects caused by drugs, medicaments and biological substances in therapeutic use. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 14
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y872) Sequelae of events of undetermined intent 12
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y891) Sequelae of war operations 11
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y88) Sequelae with surgical and medical care as external cause. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 10
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y859) Sequelae of other and unspecified transport accidents 9
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(Y891) Sequelae of war operations 8
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y87) Sequelae of intentional self-harm, assault and events of undetermined intent 8
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y890) Sequelae of legal intervention 7
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y89) Sequelae of other external causes. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 7
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y899) Sequelae of unspecified external cause. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 7
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(Y872) Sequelae of events of undetermined intent 6
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(Y87) Sequelae of intentional self-harm, assault and events of undetermined intent 5
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(Y872) Sequelae of events of undetermined intent 5
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(Y871) Sequelae of assault. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 5