Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T932) Sequelae of other fractures of lower limb 730
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T932) Sequelae of other fractures of lower limb 663
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T933) Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of lower limb 598
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T933) Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of lower limb 538
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T930) Sequelae of open wound of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 179
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T935) Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of lower limb 169
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T932) Sequelae of other fractures of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 166
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T931) Sequelae of fracture of femur 159
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T935) Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of lower limb 152
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T931) Sequelae of fracture of femur 137
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T930) Sequelae of open wound of lower limb 88
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T939) Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb 85
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T933) Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 81
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T930) Sequelae of open wound of lower limb 80
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T934) Sequelae of injury of nerve of lower limb 80
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T938) Sequelae of other specified injuries of lower limb 71
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T938) Sequelae of other specified injuries of lower limb 54
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T939) Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb 54
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T936) Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb 49
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T931) Sequelae of fracture of femur. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 46
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T934) Sequelae of injury of nerve of lower limb 42
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T935) Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 41
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T934) Sequelae of injury of nerve of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 38
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T936) Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb 33
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T93) Sequelae of injuries of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 26
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T938) Sequelae of other specified injuries of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 25
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T939) Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 20
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T93) Sequelae of injuries of lower limb 17
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T936) Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 15