Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
CANC CANC_TOPO(C169)_MORPHO(8140)_BEH(3) Stomach, NOS, Adenocarcinoma, NOS 236
CANC CANC_TOPO(C160)_MORPHO(8140)_BEH(3) Cardia, NOS, Adenocarcinoma, NOS 186
CANC CANC_TOPO(C169)_MORPHO(8145)_BEH(3) Stomach, NOS, Carcinoma, diffuse type (Ct6._) 175
CANC CANC_TOPO(C160)_MORPHO(8145)_BEH(3) Cardia, NOS, Carcinoma, diffuse type (Ct6._) 37
CANC CANC_TOPO(C162)_MORPHO(8145)_BEH(3) Body of stomach, Carcinoma, diffuse type (Ct6._) 35
CANC CANC_TOPO(C163)_MORPHO(8140)_BEH(3) Gastric antrum, Adenocarcinoma, NOS 33
CANC CANC_TOPO(C163)_MORPHO(8145)_BEH(3) Gastric antrum, Carcinoma, diffuse type (Ct6._) 27
CANC CANC_TOPO(C162)_MORPHO(8140)_BEH(3) Body of stomach, Adenocarcinoma, NOS 15
CANC CANC_TOPO(C164)_MORPHO(8140)_BEH(3) Pylorus, Adenocarcinoma, NOS 9
CANC CANC_TOPO(C164)_MORPHO(8145)_BEH(3) Pylorus, Carcinoma, diffuse type (Ct6._) 5